Thursday, January 27, 2011


Welcoming Signboard

Salam kepada semua pembaca,

Terasa baru sahaja masuk di dalam tahun 2011, kini bulan Januari hampir meninggalkan sejarahnya tersendiri.

Banyak perkara yang telah berlaku di sepanjang tahun 2010 dan tentunya ia menjadi satu titik tolak kepada perkembangan inovasi yang baru demi untuk memperbaiki kualiti hidup.

Pengalaman KEZO consult terlibat di dalam projek pemasangan Solar Panel di Solar Valley di Melaka agak menarik untuk dikongsikan bersama. 'Sun Power' sebagai pengeluar unggul pane
l solar di negara ini membuat kejutan di mana pemasangan panel solar yang terbesar merangkumi kawasan bumbung kilangnya seluas kira-kira 120m x 450m memang mencabar minda.

Sayup mata memandang

Besarnya kawasan.... ye memang besar sangat besar dan lebih besar beberapa kali saiznya daripada padang bola. Jika
lau kebiasaannya kelihatan solar panel 'ditampalkan' di atas bumbung rumah atau tiang-tiang lampu dan telefon. Kesukaran yang timbul bukan sahaja setakat coverage kawasan yang besar akan tetapi Client tidak membenarkan sebatang paku pun menembusi metal decking bumbungnya.

Pandangan dari luar

Bangunan yang tersergam indah boleh di lihat dengan jelas dari jalan utama (main road), ditambah pula persekitaran yang lapang dan sudah tentulah masalah angin (wind load) yang menjadi sasaran utama bagi Engineer. Wuhh berpeluh jugak nak cari idea un
tuk memecahkan masalah ini.

Ye apabila ada masalah masa itulah orang akan ingat kepada engineer. Beberapa perkara lain juga perlu diambilkira di dalam membuat rekabentuk seperti laluan petugas untuk membuat penyelenggaran, ketahanlasakkan material yang hendak digunakan memandangkan udara dari laut yang berdekatan dan juga sinaran UV matahari.

Setelah bertungkus lumus membuat modelling dan kajian, akhirnya inilah dia gambaran kasar penyelesaian kepada masalah tersebut.

Atas sebab-sebab tertentu (polisi syarikat) tidak lah dapat saya menceritakan di sini lebih detail. Namun sepanjang penglibatan saya di dalam engineering ini, projek ini adalah salah satu daripada pengalaman tersendiri hasil gabungan element kejuruteraan.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

As An Professional Engineer

Now Syaaban already. Almost 4 years i'm service as Professional Engineer seriously with my KEZO consult company.

Means that almost 6 years i'm holding Professional Engineer title.

Yes... some time people look at the title ... yea.... look glamour , holding a title Ir. ... but in actual situation... i'm scared.

For those who not involve with this engineering environment of course don't know the scenario. But our friends involved and know about the latest engineering, they also don't want to get holding the title.

From my experience, handling hundreds of projects before we as designer try to give the best / optimum design (in Putrajaya term they call it as value engineering) but once it at the site it's not as per drawing. A lot of modification , changes here an there. The Architect simply change the design. The contractor not monitor the work. The sub contractor just 'taram' (belasah aje) . The supplier sent the material as per minimum grade. Huh...

Than the supervision team (RE, COW), simply take their own time to monitor (not as per 'office hour'), follow the contractor's instruction and not they give the direction to contractor.

The Super attending Officer (SO) ..... susah nak cakap loo..... follow the contractor.

As an engineer, by hook or by crook we must make sure the building must be safe and functional as well. We can't compromise on the safety of the building especially or others thing.

The government agency (not all) just look at the Ir. just to 'stamp' the drawing not more than that.

Anything happened to the building ..... or ... slope failure ..... or ... crack to the bridge... or ... roofing collapse ... or other thing.... there is cause of the Ir. . The Ir. has to responsible to that. The Ir. must prepare a report. I'm still remember last time (i'm still study) this not happen. Everybody 'respect' to the engineer. Once the engineer say A, they do A.

Now ..... i wonder if the things not change , the politician using Ir to support their career. Public no respect to the institution. The fees of consultancy can be negotiated easily, and got 'cheap sale offer'. The young engineer not clear about their responsibility and ethic as an engineer.

Try to thing .....

Monday, October 26, 2009